Why is the health of the population a dis-concern for governments?

Every aspect of the overall personal health of the population at large are controlled by the top one percent of our population in the US. The largest cost to us personally is things we do to keep us healthy. Food, clothing, housing and health insurance. All of which are controlled by the that top one percent. When all you need to do is inject silly amounts of money into the political system that regulates your behavior. You can control the rate of the human population on this planet. You can bet that top one percent does not eat from our menu’s. With increases to organic consumption by those who have the means to do so, ensures an abundant supply of these pure foods to that one percent. Also the ability to have lavish surroundings and access to the best healthcare the President would receive will guarantee longevity. The ability to afford extravagant survival compounds underground in the case of world catastrophe or pandemic as well.

Of course you also see the systems you created are starting to come to a head in many places. You know a world depopulation needs to occur, if for the reduction in fossil fuel depletion alone. Also to have a one world government able to eventually form from its aftermath. This is your ultimate goal that must eventually be implemented. Its just a matter of having things into place. So you have a 9/11 in order to start implementing this control over the masses and the data they produce. This is why governments have no concern about the heath effects of its population. Only certain groups of individuals are going to be guaranteed survival. This will include troops and their families pulled into protection as well. There’s nothing like a grateful patriotic citizen you have trained with a gun to emerge with you eventually to repopulate. The rest will have to fight for it. Overall health concerns should be the least of our worries. It just a matter of when. This will be the true end of days for many of us.

When you are willing to kill a sum of your population for political, financial and human control. You are willing to do whatever it takes to get you out of a big problem you need to solve for your survival and continued control. Dis-concern for jobs of the Americans could be contributed to this as well. Especially if those jobs and health affects are putting large sums of money to that one percent.

Of course this could only be true if you believe that one percent and its interest’s are the interest of our government policies.

Possibly the motivation for such a global dominance might be from all the antisemitism wrongfully expressed towards the Jews. The murder of so many during WWII when the Pope turned his back on them. Then worst of all claim they are responsible for the death of Jesus which is false doctrine. This hatred by the over two billion Christians towards a few hundred million Jews would be motivation enough for the Jews at the top of our major corporations and the Federal Reserve. Good ole wholesome greed as well.

I am an atheist.

Alien abductions?

The reason I would like to mention this is because of an experience I can not get out of my thoughts on the whole alien encounter or possibly abductions? Two things tell me in fact the powers of the human mind. One an experience of sleep paralysis. Two a vivid dream experience. You see I live in Hawaii and in this part of the world we don’t see UFO’s or claim abductions. Unexplained lights are not the same thing as seeing crafts with no sound in broad daylight.

Therefore one on a subconscious level living here can dismiss this experience much easier than in other places. I went to bed one night and always had sleeping problems from an early age. In this experience I felt the feeling of paralysis. Only in this state I recognized the room around me to be my bedroom and dark with my eyes wide awake. Then I see this bright light shining through the sliding glass doors to my room on the second floor. Before I knew it I was seeing these beings staring down at me just as others have claimed in my room standing next to my bed. I knew this could not be and fought like hell to wake up. My mind was saying to me, there is no way a ship is outside my window. My neighbors would see it and what would they want with me of all people. I fought it and fought it then woke up. I was kinda scared still because I wasn’t quite sure it if it was real or not. Then within  a few minutes I realized this was the power of the mind working on my psyche during a state between deep sleep. I thought why of all things would I someone who completely at the time didn’t believe beings in ships even existed. I had not been exposed that I could remember to any media on the subject that would have influenced this into my mind. It was this paralyzing state that allowed something in my subconscious to trigger thoughts of these beings and lights. Not to say it didn’t take some time for my deduction aliens might have made me think it was a dream, being discounted to the nature of the phenomenon. It wasn’t until a couple of days later when I was looking through the movies on cable it dawned on me I had watched a movie that had Alien’s in it. It was about two weeks prior. The movie was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Most sleep experiences for me are forgotten quickly like dreams. Only this one after a couple of days was still there. As a matter of fact it took about two weeks for it to stop popping into my thoughts. I believe I am probably an undiagnosed case for ADD without any doubt.

The second is a vivid dream experience. I have only had one in my lifetime which gave me for about a year the feeling I had seen into the future unable to forget it completely to this day. It finally faded from my recent memory to my subconscious. Upon waking I knew I had been having a really bad dream. The people in my dream were people I liked who were very religious and owned the home I had been leasing for the past 12 twelve years. In the dream I was in their home and it was on fire and I had been the one who started the fire. What really disturbed me was how this dream seemed so different. It was as if I knew I was dreaming while it was happening, because it was a picture in time and place for the future. I was a clear vivid in color setting, so sharp I could reach out and touch the flames it seemed.

It wasn’t until three years later and that dream was far from my thoughts by then. An incident occurred which had the older son being asked to handle it and took the view of another over me and I ultimately lost the home and all my valuable possessions to the perpetrators of this crime. I believe the sons reason for making these decision against me stemmed from a situation where I had gone out to help him broke down on the road. I ended up towing him home with my vehicle which scared the hell out of him because I was going too fast and the length of the tow rope was short. It wasn’t until some time later I was in that position while towing a vehicle that it dawned on me how scary it can be.

I had complete resentment towards these people now after moving out of that home. It wasn’t until about a year after moving out I had remembered this vivid dream I had many years earlier. The strange thing about all of it, was even after a year I could see myself doing exactly as I had dreamed without remorse. Thankfully I was not a suicidal person. Had I been so it may have crossed my mind to attempt to fulfill this prophecy in the beliefs it was a destiny of sorts. I also rely on a sense of reasoning in the underlying character of us all that says to take someone’s life is just plain wrong and have no right to do so, unless ours is in danger. I am an atheist by the way.

This is not to say there isn’t something going on. People in record numbers are reporting sightings and strange occurrences with lost segments of time. What it means to me is the power of human thought into the subject of beings in ships from far away places can play strongly in our subconscious then manifest themselves into our rational thought. A percentage of these experiences can be attributed to sleep paralysis. Any species with knowledge to this power of the human mind including other humans could exploit this aspect of our thoughts to their advantage as well.

If a species of great intelligence was among us. It would only seem logical they would attempt to have hybrids with humans. So would we if we had the power and know how to do so. We humans are still naive is all.

The “Aliens” are the gods

You make history when you are right. U just may not be there when it pops out of a data base~

Its been proved early man drew depictions in a skyward manner that clearly would be a craft in nature.

Therefore great technology was present well before we became civilized as a “species”

Putting all divine beliefs aside for a moment to the purposes of this view. Also to add every person

as far back as we can remember, learned about god from another human initially.

There is undeniable proof of ancient structural ruins all over the world in places that amaze us for such early technology.

With explanations to there existence attributed to man power because of slaves. These are the answers you give to people asking how come we can’t match the abilities of our ancient civilizations. If they were so ancient surly the knowledge of the world would have been much farther behind that of modern man and his abilities. To say your not sure how they did something is one thing. Your inability to match it in ability, should be of some concern. Otherwise greater technology has been on this planet well before us.

Who are we?

Clearly the beings depicted by those credible people who have seen or experienced are humanoid in nature and we call “aliens”. This is a very important factor. The fact that they breath oxygen and are very intelligent. This means if they are from another planet. That planet would have to be very similar to earth in many ways. Our bone structures allow us to carry our frame in this atmosphere. A planet of similar atmosphere would be necessary for them as well.

With great technology comes great knowledge. That great knowledge comes with the ability to understand the recurrence of great disaster in the ancient past where whole civilizations seem to have suddenly vanished. We’re amazed at some the technological know how of such early people. This is because civilization would crawl back after great calamity with little or no ability to save records of that knowledge. Then great calamity happens again thousands of years later or even hundreds. Each time causing man to revert back to early survival skills after an extinction. After great periods of time the surface can be repopulated.  Man gets tested once again. Our current existence can be traced back to one woman in Africa. This is very important as well. Mans ability to survive gets tested over and over. It turns out to be a very good choice, strong enough to survive starting over.

There is nothing in the Egyptian hieroglyphics that depicts any association with the building of the pyramids. You would think three big monoliths, would have you talking about them. Its been proved those pyramids would have been perfectly aligned with the constellation of Orion. Only it would have been over twenty thousand years ago.

For a species having the technology to travel in a craft in our atmosphere and near space, is much easier to attain than to try and go to other stars. To say its one good explanation for the technology we can not match in ability. Is proof to structures on this planet in our ancient past could be from a species that had the technology to fly in our low atmosphere like we have, only much better. As a matter of fact if we humans had that kind of technology. We would probably of had no problem establishing a coloney on the moon. Especially if lets say a rock was heading our way for the survival of the species. We would evacuate a certain amount of “people” or beings to keep the species from going extinct like thousands do on this planet.

To be so arrogant as to claim superior knowledge over all other inhabitants who ever walked the face of this planet, yet can’t duplicate their abilities, says just about anything could have been our past.

Just as these “beings” could be from another planet like ours. Means they could have been from our planet.

One of the great problems they would have needed to overcome once mixing their DNA with a primate.(missing link)

For civilized groups of people beginning to congregate in one area able to survive and grow with other families. It became much harder to live because people would do whatever it took to eat or get the possessions of another for gain and survival. The best way to cover up anything you did so no repercussion could come your way, is to kill all the witnesses. Still used today by ruthless people. People who really do not have any religious beliefs. To have the new species survive they needed to instill in most people, which wasn’t as hard as it would be today. A belief of an ever seeing deity that will reward or punish you when you die, depending how you behaved alive. One, the greatest thing anyone could ever want; eternal afterlife. The other of course great eternal burning. I mean everyone could imagine what burning to death would be like. Now add forever.

Unless of course someone can explain to me how something built in the past is beyond our abilities to duplicate. Also why early man drew pictures of crafts on the cave walls. Interstellar space travel has been pretty much proved to be impossible. There is just too many factors that can wipe out any craft.  My theory at least can hold water.

Your password protection ~_ 0 TED

Lori Faith Cranor talks of password strength in this TED talk. She fails to mention the strength of random number pass wording. 

Which may have to be written down, yet will become familiar in a short time when used often. Adding simple letters in upper and lower cases in succession to satisfy requirements. I have had only one site ever require a symbol. Interesting talk all the same.  


I Am Racist, and So Are You.

When you decide to associate with race on your own level and integrate those relations on a personal basis. Then you are one step towards closing the racial gap in thinking. Being selective in those relations only keeps that gap widened. Just believing you are not prejudice isn’t good enough.

Being Shadoan

And the sooner we both acknowledge this, the sooner we can begin to address the problem. So let’s talk.

“Wait just a minute here, Rachel. You’re like, the least racist person I know. You’re always sharing stuff about race and racism. You couldn’t possibly be racist.”

Here’s the deal. Racism isn’t just guys in white robes and Paula Deen shouting racial slurs. Racism is subtle, racism is insidious, and our culture is so deeply steeped in it that it’s impossible to grow up in the US and not be racist. It’s a kind of brainwashing: a set of default configuration files that come with the culture. It’s a filter, built up from birth, that alters our perception of the world. (Literally–racial bias makes people see weapons that aren’t there.) Racism isn’t just conscious actions; it’s judgements that happen so fast that we may not even be aware of…

View original post 2,137 more words

-Rainer Marie Rilke

For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks…

The work for which all other work is but preparation. 

-Rainer Marie Rilke


~loving Annabelle~

Time perception when stepping to the edge. Human entropy?

What am I speaking of when I say “the edge”?. The edge is a perception of the actual view into our no longer existing as a human by mistake or by hap chance and overcome it. Being able to actually view ourselves at that edge. You must remain conscience through the experience to appreciate it more. Realizing what stepping off that edge will be, the next dimension of what we consider to be what will happen when we die and will be your next experience. I have heard people give recollections of this experience stating they viewed their life flashing in front of them. The strange thing I find with this perception is our life has too much information for us to understand or comprehend in what could be considered a split second in time. You are usually very busy getting yourself out of it. Sure there are just some lucky ones. Those most times had nothing to do with the factors getting them in that position doing nothing to help themselves. That is dumb luck and rare. People who truly have been to the edge would I think agree wholeheartedly a perfect definition to someone who has never truly experienced, could be said in two words. The Edge. You looked over that edge, yet were fortunate enough by luck or action able to step back. 

We do many things that are risky and believe them to be calculated risks. Be it a desire for a specific outcome intentional or not. A sensation of thrill not thought out. Maybe just the wrong place and time or realizing this is not the time for any kind of mistake.  Our knowledge of whether we have the ability and confidence to be successful in split second decisions. Especially when it may be the actions of another who has just put you there.

I believe there also may be an adaptation for survival to risky behavior that sometimes gives us a split second advantage to know the reaction to causation for protection from harm. This could be as simple as getting into our vehicles and driving a short distance, mowing a lawn or even frying an egg.

I had an indelible experience once during an accident that happened while helping a friend with her vehicle. Unlike most vehicles this one had a drain plug for the fuel tank. In attempting to drain the tank I had noticed my small halogen light was a bit close for comfort, so I asked my friend to pull the light back a little (with some concern) as it was missing the glass lens. She bent down seeing the fuel was running down the back of my arm dripping off my elbow panicked jerking the light back causing the electrical cord to unplug right next to me. 

What still blows my mind to this day is how time seemed to almost stop, instantly a flash of flame overcame me sending me pulling away from the vehicle, then the actual flash explosion came a split second later as I pulled away once again. Almost a “Deja vu” experience. I don’t associate Deja vu with traumatic experiences. Those are usually hap chance random experiences in everyday interactions also rare. Usually involving other people making a statement or some actions we make leaving the feeling to have already experienced before. I felt I may have even dreamed a couple of those experiences. This was different, yet time seemed to stop much like those couple of times at the edge in those younger days when you think you’re invincible. Just without the preview.

When people describe traumatic experiences they have lived through. Many times all memory is usually lost just after the second of the experience. Sometimes forever or short periods coming back to them over time. They always seem to have a vivid memory of what they perceived to be doing up until that point. Hearing these experiences from people you also will get statements of the perception of time slowing down and everything seems to be happening in slow motion as well.

I have always been bothered by an experience I had at a time of a traumatic event I had gone through and why I experienced it. I was very coherent never losing conciseness, yet entered into the human response which is referred to as the “fight or flight” response. The adrenaline is now being administered throughout my body giving me the ability if only for a split second to see the future before it actually happens. This may be part of that survival mechanism built in to give us just that much edge on what we are about to step over, in order to give us the ability to think of the best reaction too what we are about to experience0   

Medical breakthrough for burn patients or those treating missing durmal.

This is a condition I had to deal with as a patient burn victim to my right arm. Unsure as doctors truly are to the over all level of any burn or severity to skin conditions, they know a couple of things must occur. Protection from infection. Provide conditions necessary for healing to occur.

These experiences I share with you in hopes of sparking the interest in people of the medical community to the wonders I have discovered by chance and a bit of experimenting.

A bit of history to my knowledge of these conditions. Back in 1998 I was assisting a friend with a fuel pump problem with her car and was taking the drain plug out when the fuel just started running down my forearm dripping off of my elbow when I noticed the halogen light without any glass lens was a bit too close and told my friend to move it back a bit. She pulled it fast unplugging the cord right next to me causing a spark which actually gave me the flash of the fire in real slow motion, then the actual flash of fire occurred. My arm is on fire I am trying to get to the hose directly behind me across a driveway. My friend has jumped in front of me preventing me from getting to the water trying to smother the flames with her body. It eventually went out. I remember launching myself from a few feet before the entrance to my garage landing over the clutter to reach my fire extinguisher on the far wall, shot out to the fire and put it out very quickly. Then the pain set in and I looked down at my arm.

Immediately I was thinking I have to be able to take care of this and then went upstairs to try and wash it off. As soon as I put my arm under the water it hurt so bad I had to stop then I thought “oh no this is serious” I called my girlfriend down stairs and had her take me to the hospital with it wrapped in a damp towel. That hospital sends me by ambulance sirens blaring to the nearest burn center. Where I am begging the doctor for pain meds but he is concerned because of my blood pressure is so high. Ultimately he authorized the pain killer and I just remember thanking him and dozing off waking in a few minutes with my arm wrapped. The doctor says he wants to admit me into the hospital for at least a week for cleaning and dressing the arm.

I don’t know if any of you remember the comedy stand up special with Richard Prior making the statements about having his burns cared for by others. “NO YOU ARE NOT GOING TOOO TOOOOUCH ME!” This is my first thought then I was under the impression she may not have had insurance on the car. Luckily she did because I didn’t have any health insurance at the time. I told the Dr at the time she didn’t and I couldn’t afford to stay in the hospital. He reminds me that there is a great chance for infection which could result in the lose of the arm if it were to get too bad. He says okay “come over here to the sink” He asked the nurse to remove the wrap on my arm, He stepped on the bar allowing the water to spray down into the sink. “put your arm under here” Determined to keep from having anyone touch this thing but me I put my arm under that water and my whole body got an electrical jolt sending a cool and hot sensation down my body and he stops the water. I say “can I use the bathroom, I need to pee”. He tells my girlfriend when I’m in the bathroom that is the first thing they always ask to do. So he allowed me to care for it at home but I had to follow up every other day. Then every three to once a week.

I went home with a bunch of gauze from the hospital and a half quart of Silver Sulfadiazine cream. put another way “the holy grail” for burns or wounds that are missing layers of skin. 100 tylox pills for pain. I would take a pain pill shortly after waking, get into the shower and wash this arm trying to do anything to take pain the pain killers just take the edge off of anyway. Even singing. There should be laws against it.  I would get out redress the wound lay in bed keep it elevated watch a little TV go to sleep and wake later to do it all over again for about 30 days. If at any time the arm fell below the level of my heart the whole arm felt like it was being stabbed with pins and needles forcing me to keep it up.

Fortunately about two weeks into this ordeal. My doctor says “you are doing such a wonderful job, I expect you will make a full recovery” I said “are you serious no scars?” My arm still looked like hamburger leaving me in full doubt he knew what he was talking about. Diligent care allowed for him to be right. Its been 15 years now and there is almost no sign it was ever burned. The moral here is my understanding of wounds to this nature and how to care for them properly.

Fast forward to a couple of years ago and I still have that Silver Sulfadiazine cream. The stuff is worth its weight in well “Silver”. I have applied it to burns as soon as they have occurred with almost no signs that a burn had happened. Provided it was a very light burn yet still the kind that stings like hell. Possibly a thin brown layer would peal off of the very top dermal layer a week or so later, yet with no pain.

I’m out doing a job for someone as a mechanic and I have to start the vehicle to make sure its will and everything is right before I put it back together. Well this one time in doing so a shot of scalding hot water jumped out of a hose and hit me on the ankle in my topside shoe with no socks. I had these peoples car taken half apart and now I have this burn. I rush home and put the cream on it dress it up to go back and finish this cash job for this terrified look on their faces middle aged couple. Finished the job got paid never to see them again.

That night with my ankle and this huge bubble on the side of my foot. My girlfriend says hey what about those patches my Dr. gave me for pain many years ago. Maybe it can help keep it from hurting. These are a Lidocaine patch at 5%. I think they are lousy at what they are intended and must be taped on to stay and really do nothing for back pain if you can get them to stick. The texture of these patches caught my eye more so for their construction similar to what a layer of skin might feel like. I was worried about only one thing to begin with. What could happen if this Lydocaine or any of its other ingredients mixes with the Sulfa cream could be a dangerous risk if applied to an open wound. Then there is the chance the wound may not get enough air like conventional gauze would give it, which could be important to the healing process. You ask professionals they will always advise against it for liability reasons so I was taking a chance.

The first thing I noticed from applying the cream to the patch is its ability to stick very well to the surface and give it a great sense of durability because now it was being protected by this patch which was cut into three sections, so as to try and stay under the maximum ex-poser time for a 24hr period. My intentions were to allow the bubble to burst on its own but to delay it as much as possible so the skin under the blister could get strong enough to have air hit it with no pain once the skin was finally removed. It worked so well I just continued to clean it and redress it really without paying that much attention to it. Then one day I am looking at it close and I can see the dark skin under the layer, yet when I went to try and move the skin on top it wouldn’t move. It looked different and felt slightly different but had reattached itself to the skin below it. This thing was the size of a silver dollar on some very tender skin of the foot and never died.

Fast forward to present day June 24 and I get bite by an aging pit bull on the property I live on, yet I fail to go to the ER right away. I waited until the next day to see my doctor who gave me antibiotics, But by the time I started taking them it was the next evening. The bite got me a K9 into the Achilles tendon debilitating me from minute one to a limp and then infection set in. With the swelling and cellulite that had developed and a pocket of pus that had to be better drained, that visit to the ER got me admitted. A surgeon came in the next day dug about an inch into my calf relieving that pocket and was on his way. Now I am making the hospital release me against doctors advise. They set me up with the Sulfa cream and gauze to now to take care of what was just a tooth hole to now about a three inch square patch of raw skin to keep from getting further infected. I was given oxycodone for pain. At first I would have to take one pill before cleaning it and redressing it. Then I remembered the patches my girlfriend was given a bunch of and tried that with this injury. The results have been nothing short of amazing. The healing is much faster than gauze alone and the wound is much smoother with no sensations at the time of cleaning in the shower. I have not had to take anything for pain since using these patches in conjunction with the Sulfa cream changing the dressing every 8 hours.


Imagine because of your customs, ideologies to good people must feel when singled out.

Singled out as a scape goat. This is to say only if 9/11 was a lie. Then an innocent group of people would have been targeted for world discrimination.

I could have said hypothetically, only this should be quite obvious already.

What if it were your race and religious beliefs that were chosen for part of this operation in America for America’s reasons only just using you as part of it? Lets be real here folks. The percentage of Fundamentalist to Traditional Muslims is a great disparity. So now you have a majority of people like you and me, who like the good things in life and want to feel safe and happy with their families in their homes, have no desires to kill anyone, yet are Muslims.

Why them of all the factions that make us up as a world? You must be in these good peoples shoes and there is only one conclusion for that choice and it is completely occupation related. All the political bull aside these people know there are bigger reasons for wanting to occupy their land than any liberation. Imagine this happening in America and you get the same results in thinking. We don’t have the market cornered on the intelligence it would take to figure out what is happening here.

What you end up with is a deep resentment by good human beings towards a country that has the military might and audacity to come into their country because it doesn’t like its leader. Then blame it on their ideological beliefs attempting to make them all bad. No not in the eyes of the sensible people. Its the rest of the greatest majority of Americans who get this false view.

These people live under these regimes for many years. They know a snake when they see one.

Interesting though how much the united states has benefited from 9/11. Not it’s people. The Federal Government.

Imagine for that minute one more time the damage to an innocent people viewed all over the world wrongly persecuted for the gain of others so far away and powerful.

Anyone who has been completely wronged by false innuendo could relate to this feeling.

The only difference is most personal bad reputations to most of us is just that us. It becomes old news quick enough and you go on with your life. Imagine that reputation wrongfully placed integrated into your every day life? It could have the ability to turn very good people into very vindictive ones every time that person thinks “why them”.

Now lets flip that switch back to reality and the truth and just say, “that will teach a small group of people to somehow represent all of the people of their region and religion then dare to attack a country so great as America” “They all deserve whatever they get for coming into our country and embarrassing us so badly” “Lets just round it off and say anyone who make break for the calling of Adhan during any given day” “That must be an inferior god overpowering them by forcing them to praise him daily.”

Lock um up anyway. We will get around to questioning the ones we know who have organized against this occupation. Exactly what any American would do if patriotic and faced with the same situation. Only now they can give them a different name than a defender. Oh why? They failed to organize uniforms so therefore must be of a faction of fundamentalist terrorist who want to see America destroyed at any cost. If they didn’t before they most certainly may want it now. Wouldn’t you?








Even if you think the 9/11 truthers are wacko’s. Here is one interesting observation….

about four 757 jet aircraft disappearing completely on the same exact day. Wait, we all seen planes fly into the towers. Yes we all did. Only we all seen it on TV. Only those in New York city were able to see the planes live. Or wait did they really see one or did they hear one then an explosion? We also seen the BBC’s live announcement that building 7 had collapsed, yet it was still standing in the background. Then the feed when dead. Never to be seen on national TV again. This video I have here is very interesting perspective and fills in the missing pieces to four jet airliners that disappeared completely. Our ability as nation who has never had such an attack on our soil overlooked many very difficult things to possibly happen. I will try to keep this focused on those aircraft.

Now everyone knows there really is only one video that has ever been shown to the public on the second plane. Any videos shown on that day besides the single one no longer have been shown on “national” TV. There was only one shown of the first plane as well. Now this first incident could be possible but there are numerous cameras all over the city placed for surveillance by government and private companies that could have possibly had the twin towers in the back ground. Even if it be miles away. They were two very distinct structures that filled the New York skyline. Yet we see no others.

The first thing I noticed about the “video” of the first plane is the sound. The sound would have been horrendous at full speed. That plane would have been heard well before it got close the towers bringing everyone’s attention towards the sky before the impacts. It would be impossible to fly in those crafts if they were not so well insulated. The sounds in the official version could have been played from a loud speaker atop one of those high rises, it was so muffled.

You see I have been in the building trades for over twenty years and was so puzzled how those aircraft could have past the alloy test. Both of them. The alloy test in this case is steel vs. aluminum. You see in order for one alloy to overcome another it must be able to beat it in strength. Diamonds cut glass but glass just may get you divorced one day.  In order for the planes to have completely overcome the buildings without leaving a shred of the aircraft outside the building, it would have had to be made of steel and the buildings be made of aluminum.

Now the second building is even more amazing because by that time everyone and there uncle would have had a camera pointed towards the sky. Not one news outlet had live feed of the second tower being hit. They all had the same video of the second plane. Shot by one individual. This would be unprecedented in such an event. Yet we were all so emotionally detached we didn’t notice these little details.

Now I may not have given this video any weight for the fact there were two additional 757 aircraft that overcame the alloy test that day as well. Everyone has see plane crashes before but not into buildings. So what? The alloy test must always pass for one to “completely overcome” the other. The Pentagon I can not believe they decided on the official story they did, but they knew much better than I when it comes to perception and belief. You must believe the official story because anything else is unthinkable. It might have been somewhat believable to most had those aircraft not have wing spans of over 200 feet. I’m sorry folks but the official story was that plane “disintegrated” into the building. That hole was just way too small. But a missile is what the “only” official video released of that incident looks much more like. Aircraft just cannot fly that fast that close to the ground it is physically impossible. You also see flames approaching the building but it looks like it has been sped up to give the emphasis on the explosion.

Now we come to the fourth plane we all know what crashes like these look like they have happened all over the world since the beginning of air flight. Only no we do not see this in this crash. Although the ground is much softer than aluminum to have it overcome the ground it would need to be so loose like dune sand. But there have been crashes in dune sand and the only time the crafts were buried is after sand blew over them. The crafts were much smaller during the second world war. I will post a link to that area in Pennsylvania in 1994 showing that scar in the ground already. It is a geological survey map. The one that makes it look like the wings spans would have been buried with the craft itself. The official crash “photo” (no video) looks like a missile went into the center of that scar. Why were there no videos of that area? You would think news agencies would have been flying all over that area.

Okay now we can address the craziness in all this thinking. I will just touch on a couple good points we all must understand. “9/11 HAD TO OCCUR IN ORDER FOR US TO CONTINUE LIVING WITH THE FREEDOMS WE STILL HAVE” This is a big statement and should not be said lightly.

Many would say it would be impossible for government to keep a secret. No, the political participants of government does not need to be involved. Oh don’t get me wrong the very top of government the president and vise the military and some others. They had to come on board because we as a nation were facing certain demise. Not for our weakness but for the very core of our constitution “Freedom”. Many countries have emulated ours in many ways but no country “had” shared the kinds of freedoms we possessed.

We have two secret agencies in this country we know nothing of there budget or there operations. They say for reasons of national security. The NSA and the CIA. These agencies are well equipped to handle the operations of 9/11. They do complex operations in other countries and just so happens are the ones storing all of our information. This would have been treason pre-9/11. This is why they needed an event to overcome what legislation could not give them in time. Once we fall there would be no coming back. Fall from what? “Technology” This advancement and our 4th amendment rights would have made it impossible to function as a country in this information age.

You could never convince the populace to give up the freedoms and information if told the demise of the nation was at risk. Who would deliver such a request pre 9/11. No one in their right mind who didn’t want to be lynched politically, financially and maybe literally. Yet as a country we faced this and needed a president who would play ball. That is where George W Bush was groomed for the position. This knowledge has been known for some time well before 9/11 but started to become a real problems with the Internet and cell phone technology. Information would soon be at everyone’s finger tips. If the government didn’t have it all at there’s we could be in for a financial fallout or an attack on our computer systems that would lead to this financial demise.

One last point.  “Why the twin towers? How come they didn’t use some other way of doing the same thing for affect? “Asbestos” Yes all three of those buildings were scheduled for the most extensive and expensive asbestos removal in history mandated by federal law. The cost would have been so great and possibly claims by long term tenants to health problems later. The owner of the building would not be able to afford the cost of the removal and keep the buildings. The government would have had to buy the buildings because no one else would buy them with this cost. This is the same problem with building 7. Only this is because it held government agencies. They needed to take care of their own for health reasons. 

This video is 45 minutes but fills in the holes to the alloy tests failure of four 757 aircraft on that inevitable day. Its author offers $100,000 to anyone who can show a video of planes hitting the towers. Well worth your time I assure you.

This is your geological survey shot in this video of Pennsylvania in 1994.